Is it harder for women to reach orgasm than men?
It is true that in general, women often find it more
challenging to reach orgasm compared to men. Surveys and clinical experience
confirm that between 10 to15 percent of all American women have never
experienced orgasm and only 35 percent of the female population will orgasm
during intercourse.
There are many reasons for a woman's inability to
climax, including such things as being unaware of her body’s sexual responses,
sexual anxiety, generalized stress, health issues and being on certain
medications such as antidepressants and birth control. Other reasons may have
more to do with the woman's partner, who may be uneducated about her sexual
anatomy, have poor communication skills with her or hold unrealistic
expectations of how a woman can reach an orgasm.
The inability to orgasm at all or difficulty reaching
orgasm during intercourse has created considerable concern among women and
their partners, causing one, the other, or both to feel inept or dysfunctional.
Women often find orgasms more elusive for three reasons –
Physical issues such as medications, health issues as well as mental stress and
lack of sleep are causes for lowered sexual functioning.
Scientists in the Netherlands have recently proven
that lack of anxiety and deep relaxation are a key aspect in female arousal,
more so than direct stimulation to the genitals. What this means is that
letting go of all anxiety and fear may be the more important, even necessary
aspect of achieving orgasm. With women often working, raising children and
multitasking throughout long days they are certainly no stranger to the
symptoms of stress. Finding ways to reduce stress has shown to be significantly
effective when it comes to improving sexual functioning.
A variety of medications cause decreased sex
drive as well as the body’s ability to respond sexually through lubrication.
Also, some health concerns such as diabetes, cancer and other physical ailments
can impact sexual functioning and libido. Therefore ruling out physical
possibilities through an annual check up is always recommended.
Lack of sexual education and awareness of their body.
Many women are in the dark about their own sexuality,
let alone the resources and products that are available for them to enhance
their sexual experiences. Women’s sexual health has been widely ignored over
much of our history and while our society is beginning to be more focused on
this important issue, there is still a great deal of research needed. From
better understanding of hormones, surgeries involving the female reproductive
system to the effects these have on a woman’s libido are all areas that should
be further studied.
It is also important that we make this research
more readily available to all women so that they are better able to be educated
about and embrace their sexuality.
3) Mainstream norms in our society are more encouraging toward men when it comes to masturbation and sex in general, which in turn provides them with more freedom to explore their bodies sexually, thus allowing them to be more efficient at understanding the stimulation that will allow them to orgasm.
3) Mainstream norms in our society are more encouraging toward men when it comes to masturbation and sex in general, which in turn provides them with more freedom to explore their bodies sexually, thus allowing them to be more efficient at understanding the stimulation that will allow them to orgasm.
For women, there are many ways to learn how to become
orgasmic and expand the levels of pleasure and satisfaction either with a
partner or alone. Because women tend to find it easier to have an orgasm when
they are feeling relaxed and in a sensual state of mind, finding ways to
decompress is recommended.
Female orgasm can sometimes take quite a long time.
Many women worry that they take too long to orgasm and the worry in turn tends
to affect their ability to relax and go with the flow into an orgasm. The fact
that women typically take longer than men to have an orgasm should not be seen
as negative; it is simply the difference between genders. The average
time for a woman to achieve orgasm is 20-60 minutes, however many women learn
to have an orgasm with 5-20 min of stimulation. This is true especially for
women using a sex toy with vibration or having intercourse with a long term
Top three tools that help women to have an orgasm:
1) Vibrators
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